Thursday, July 18, 2013

Long Day

It has been a long time since I put in such a long day.  I arrived at work by 7:00 this morning, and I left the FedEx facility in Springdale after dropping off 4 packages of invoices at 7:05 this evening.  I got so much done and would have gotten even more done (or quit sooner) if I hadn't had several interruptions and wasted time on something I didn't know had been postponed.  Oh well, I feel great about what I accomplished, and I have so many hours in this week that I can leave any time after 10:00 in the morning and totally have my hours in for the week.  I probably won't leave that early - more invoices to be done - but I know that once I get my relatively short to-do list done, I can be out the door.  Maybe I'll catch up with Aiden and my dad at Lake Atalanta for a little fishing.  :)
I am so grateful that I sit by windows now because I don't think I could have worked that long and hard and had anything left for my family, if I hadn't enjoyed the sunshine through the day.  At this point, I am feeling a bit fried, so I'm going to cut a piece of my birthday cake and spend a few quiet moments with my amazing husband before I crash in the bed.  I am so looking forward the the weekend.  How about you?  Any big plans?


Day 5 of 365

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