Tuesday, August 27, 2013


I am so over allergy season. Is there a season anymore? It seems to be year-round around here. I think our lack of a real winter (with a good snow or ice and lots of really cold days) is making things even worse. Then, we had a really mild July and most of August. Now, that it's actually hot outside, my whole family is sniffling, sneezing, coughing, and wheezing. I am actually doing much better than today than I was over the weekend. My fellow papercrafters at CKC probably thought I am a massive smoker or had bronchitis with the fits I was having over there. It's the worst in the morning, but I'm still having random cough fits or runny nose throughout the day. My poor boy is sleeping with a box of tissue in the bed with him. When he woke up at 4:00 this morning and got in bed with me, he brought his box of tissue. Fortunately, we don't seem to be feeling bad. Just annoyed at the persistent symptoms. It's probably making some of us a little extra tired too. And it makes another one not want to sleep in her bed. Oh the joys of parenting. At least we have a 3-day weekend with football to look forward to. :) ~Heather P.S. I'm eating watermelon - from our garden tonight. Wahoo!!! Day 45 of 365

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