Saturday, August 17, 2013

Big Boy

Whew! What a day! My little boy is growing up. He went for his first professional hair cut and only wanted Daddy to go with him. I want him to know he can ask for a receive special time, so Rylee and I stayed at my parents. He looks like such a big boy. 
It's sad to see my baby so grown up, but I think he looks so good. He even picked hair cream to make his hair spike and was messing with it off and on all night.

We were going to take him to play golf, but we ended up at the county fair instead. He rode rides and did activities all by himself all evening. I was so proud of him. If you know him at all, you this is a major accomplishment for him. We did ride the Ferris wheel together first though.
He really had fun but was awfully disappointed that the monster truck ride was broken. 

Now he's back at Nana and Popaw's (and hopefully sleeping). Tomorrow will be a rest day before he heads off to 1st grade. I'm so excited for him! He's such an awesome kid!!

Rylee enjoyed the fair too, but it tuckered her out.


Day 35 of 365

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