Sunday, August 18, 2013

Rough Morning, Consigment Sale, and a Successful Night

Ok, this is the earliest I have posted yet, and I hope it is the beginning of a wonderful new trend!

After a very rocky start to our day, we have had a very successful night.  Yay!

The morning started around 5 a.m. with a very awake Rylee and a very ill mommy.  The best husband/daddy in the world took the playful baby girl down the hall to get her play out, so I could lie still in bed until my stomach felt better.  I was able to sleep for a few hours before round 2 started, but he wasn't so lucky.  However, after round 2 I was feeling much better and was able to take Rylee and coax her in to a nap, at least until I tried to get in a nap myself.  LOL!

Fortunately, my parents were willing to keep Aiden a little longer than planned since we were getting a late start on the day.  After a little breakfast, we headed to the mad house also known as Walmart.  We got our groceries and decided to head to Springdale for the Rhea Lana's consignment sale, and we picked Aiden up on the way.

Might I say, that I absolutely LOVE consignment sales.  I used to go to and participate in the local Just Between Friends sale, but it disbanded in this area a year or so ago.  Now, we go to Rhea Lana's at least twice a year.  Sometimes more, if they have one in Benton County and one in Washington County each season.  I'm not sure why I hold out for this big sale instead of going to the year-round consignment stores, but I do.  Well, one reason is probably because we can buy a whole seasonal wardrobe in one shopping trip with the big sales.  We, seriously, bought enough clothes for Rylee today to get her to next Spring, and we made quite a haul for Aiden too.  I won't give you the exact total, but I can comfortably say we spent about as much as we spend on a week's worth of groceries and got around 50 items.  I don't think we could have gotten half as many items for that price at any other store.  If you're interested in Rhea Lana, check them out here for dates, times, and location.  I've never consigned with them, but we find some great deals.  There is a fair chance that we'll go back for half price day next weekend.

After our shopping spree, we came home to get ready for the first day of school.  We managed to eat, play on the Kinect, bathe the kids, and get them both in bed before 9:30.  Aiden was in bed at 8:30 and asleep by 9:00, and Rylee was asleep and in bed around 9:20.  In this house that is a successful night.  Now, Joseph and I will get our showers and hopefully be in bed before 11:00.  If we can keep up this pace with just a little more exercise, it'll be a good school year.


Day 36 of 365

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