Monday, August 5, 2013

Lists, lists, and more lists

My life is an absolute whirlwind right now.  OK, maybe not my life, but just my head.  I am absolutely giddy at the prospect of earning the Scentsy Incentive Trip for next year because I've worked the numbers and really feel like it's doable.  This means I'm making lists - a list of goals, lists of things to do to meet those goals, and daily to-do lists to accomplish those things.  It sounds complicated, but it's really not.  :)  I want to go to Atlantis in the Bahamas, but I certainly wouldn't turn down the Scentsy Family Reunion trip either.  Have I mentioned that I love this company?

Then, I realized yesterday that we are less than 4 months away from leaving on vacation to Disney World.  This kind of thing takes planning, people.  It's been a while since we traveled this big with a toddler.  I promised Joseph that I would make our lists early, so we would have plenty of time to buy anything that needed to be bought.  I hate spending money right before vacation to get things to go on vacation.  I know I'm weird.  Plus, with the cost of baggage, we have to capitalize on our space and spending.  So, I will be making a packing list for each family member, a list of miscellaneous things that need to go, a list of things to do at home before we go, and a list of things we need to buy.  This will soon result in a corner of the house being dedicated to vacation prep - the place where all vacation things go until it's time to pack.

On top of all that, school starts back in 2 weeks.  I view this time of year as a great new opportunity to get things moving in the right direction on the right foot.  You got it!  I'm making lists - mentally so far - of how we can do better as a family to keep the house clean, get laundry done, get dinner on the table earlier, and get the kids to bed on time.  I'm open to suggestions, by the way.

How wrong is that I'm really excited about all of the above?  I'm such a dork!  I think there is a part of me that absolutely thrives on this kind of stress.  It reminds me of my college days when I literally planned every minute of my day because I was so busy with classes and extracurricular activities.  Ah, the glory days!


Day 23 of 365

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