Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Me time

When I logged on tonight, I didn't have a clue what I was going to write about because I have so much going on right now - Joseph's birthday tomorrow (prep tonight), CKC-Tulsa trip with my BFF this weekend, Scentsy order being placed Thursday morning at the latest, trying to figure out my daily plan to stay sane, work stuff, etc, etc.

Then, I had a great text conversation with my BFF working on some plans for our weekend and found my topic:

Why do we feel so guilty for doing something for ourselves every once in a while?

Seriously!  We deserve time to ourselves doing things we enjoy doing.  By we, I mean everybody.  I don't hear many men talking about "me time", but they need it too.  Maybe they just don't have the guilt part.

Yes, there is always something more productive that we could be doing, but taking care of ourselves is also very important.  It helps us take care of everything else when we take care of us.  It could be anything from a bubble bath to a mani/pedi to a weekend away to 15 minutes of silence.

I have to admit I'm a little nervous about this weekend.  It's the first time I'll be away from Rylee for more than a few hours.  I know she'll be totally fine with her boys (Daddy and big brother).  I know Joseph can handle getting them up and out the door on time Friday better than I could with both of them.  But, I'm going to miss her like crazy, and I fee guilty for leaving her (and the boys)!!!!  I also know it's important that I get some time away from her and she away from me.  She needs to know that it's good to do things for yourself - not that she's going to remember this lesson for more than a day.  LOL!  And someday, hopefully, she and I will enjoy girls' weekends together.

My best friend is going through a terrible time right now and was really torn as to whether or not she was going this weekend.  She feels guilty for putting her plans ahead of what she thinks she ought to be doing, but she also knows that she needs the distraction and the down time to relax a little.  It seems that in times of crisis we are even less likely to give ourselves that much-needed and deserved "me time", and that is probably when we need it the most.

So, give yourself permission to indulge just a little for you because in the long run it's for them too.


Day 38 of 365

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