Saturday, August 3, 2013

Soap Box

We woke to the sounds of thunder and torrential rain. It was bad enough that Joseph received a phone alert about potential flooding. It was a LOT of rain. I was in our bed with the kids, and we went back to sleep and enjoyed the lull of the rain. Joseph just cannot go back to sleep once he's awake though, even when he tries. Poor guy! It was a late-ish start on our back to school shopping and fun day, but we weren't on a time table, so it didn't really matter. We dropped Rylee off with my parents, hit Penney's and Target for clothes and supplies before heading to FastLane for some lunch and fun. I swear there is a part of me that should have Beemer a teacher. I am positively giddy around back to school supplies. Getting the sale paper on Sunday and heading to North Little Rock the next weekend (there isn't a Target in Batesvile) every year was one of my favorit traditions. I still have to buy myself something, but I didn't today because it was all about Aiden. I'll pick up a notebook or pens or markers or something later. ;) FastLane was surprisingly not busy. I expected the rain of the morning to have driven everyone in for the day, but I guess when the sun came out so did the people. We decided to eat first and ordered a pizza for the adults, and a hot dog for the boy. During lunch a couple of families were sharing a booth across the way. They were driving me nuts! I know it's not my place to judge, but their kids were running around like heathens. One girl knocked over a little boy, and he was crying. Not one of the 4 adults paid him any mind. Then while the adults, 3 pre-teen girls, and another boy (maybe 5) were hundred up the 3-4 year boy totally wandered off. He kept trying to get their attention but gave up and went on his own. I am not kidding you, I could have snatched him, been out the door, in. A car, and long gone before they even knew he was gone. This drives me crazy!! I have seen it so often, too. When I worked St the mall years ago, there were lost kids daily. I felt so bad for these bawling toddlers who just wanted their momma who hadn't bothered to make sure the little one was with them. Joseph and I are so vigilant with our kids, especially in busy places. I still make Aiden hold a hand when we're in a parking lot, and most of the time he still rides in a buggy. That last part may be more him than me, but I know he's with me. I just dont't understand why'd you go to a family fun place and ignore your kids. I might could understand if the kids were teenagers and wanting to do their own thing and old enough to take care of themselves for the most part. It didnt seem these kids were even given rules to follow like: stay were I can see you, check in every 10 minutes, stay in pairs or a group. Maybe I'm over protective. I know I'm judging when I shouldn't, but kids are so precious and only young and innocent once. Keep them safe as long as you can because you never know who might be watching. If I was thinking I could make it out that door, what would a predator be thinking? Ok, that's enough soap box. It's suppossed to come another flooding rain in a few hours, so I should probably get some sleep. I'm sure I'll have a sweet little 2:30 wake up call wanting a bottle too. Fortunately, her big brother is sound asleep right next to me. He's such a good kid and had a great day. Just like he deserved and needed. Sigh, I love my babies!!!!!! ~Heather Day 21 of 365 P.S. I apologize if the last 2 nights' post have looked weird and had bad grammar or spelling. I'm on the iPad, and it's not terribly cooperative.

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