Sunday, September 8, 2013

A New-ish Family tradition

Aiden has a sudden interest in football just this year. Not that this is unexpected in this house, but it came on rather out of nowhere since he's been very disinterested in the past. He has a particular fondness for the Dallas Cowboys. This irks his father because Joseph hates the Cowboys. I think it's kind of funny because they are just about the only team I watched growing up. I promise, I had nothing to do with Aiden's fandom. It just so happens that the Cowboys are playing the Giants on the first Sunday Night Football of the new season, too. :) Anyway, we were watching a little Sunday Countdown on ESPN this morning during breakfast, and I started asking Aiden who he thought was going to win each game. We decided it would be fun to write down all of our picks and see who wins from week to week. The awesome things is that Joseph and I used to do this with the Sunday paper every week many years ago. Although we didn't watch all that much this afternoon (we had weekend projects to wrap up), it was fun settling in this evening to find who won the games and was winning the pick 'em contest. Before SNF came on Joseph was up by a couple of games while Aiden and I were tied. It was hilarious listening to Aiden smack talk to Joseph about the Cowboys/Giants game during dinner. He even chose to watch the game to halftime instead of one of his recorded shows at bedtime. I bet he's quick to ask in the morning how it ended. As of right now, the Cowboys are up by 13. This could bring Aiden and I to only one game behind before the 2 Monday night games. Not that it matters who wins, it's just fun sharing the things we enjoy with one another. This could be a very fun NFL season. ~Heather Day 56 of 365

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