Saturday, September 7, 2013

It was a good Saturday

I'm beginning to like weekends more and more. :) Last weekend Joseph and I decided we would use part of our weekends to accomplish big tasks around the house that we've been neglecting. We started by working on the garage and Rylee's room (which she still hasn't slept in) last week. This week's goal was Aiden's closet. We got most things drug out of the bottom of his closet this morning. It turned out to be mostly clothes he's outgrown, and I'm not sure why we were hanging on to them. We're going to sell what we can at a yard sale next month, and the rest we will donate. We still need to get rid of some things in the top of the closet and re-arrange what is going back in there. His room is pretty much a disaster right now, but we'll get it all fixed up tomorrow. We started off so well with this weekend's goal, I tacked on a couple more - my craft space and my office space. It never seems to fail that as we clean/organize one area of the house another area becomes a disaster. My craft space (aka my Happy Hole) seems to suffer the most with this issue. It's not that I have crafty things scattered all over the house, but a lot of stuff lands in this space - anything I want to keep for sentimental reasons, pictures, arts & crafts magazines, items that might become craft projects, etc. It's a dumping ground of sorts. Plus, I haven't really unpacked my new goodies from CKC-Tulsa because I'm not sure where it's going yet. I also want to completely go through my stash of supplies and get rid of a lot of it. Over the years, my craft style has changed a lot and the direction of scrapbooking has really changed in the last couple of years in a way that I like much better. Needless to say, I really need to purge. That was not my goal for this weekend, I just wanted to pick up enough that I can use the space again until I have time to purge. I got started but still have a little bit more to do. My office space is in our kitchen. I used to have Rylee's whole room as my office/craft space. The craft stuff was/is in the closet thanks to my handy hubby building me a desk and die-cutting station in there. The office had to move to make room for her, and eventually the craft stuff will need to move in order for her to have a closet (or we have to get a new house - LOL). Since we have an extra cabinet in our kitchen, we really don't have a place for a dining area of any kind. Several years ago, Joseph built an additional bank of cabinets that were originally intended as a baking area and bonus storage but became more of just storage. We pared down some of our kitchen stuff, so it would all fit in the existing cabinetry. This freed up his handiwork for Scentsy and office supply storage. He also reconfigured my desk from the office down the hall to make it fit along the wall and counter, and we moved a unit he had just built that had shelves and peg board for storage. I kind of like being able to work and mingle with the family, but I kind of miss my privacy too. Anyway, I had a busy Scentsy week with an order coming in Thursday night and choreographing that warmer exchange, so I needed to put my order processing supplies away. Well, nothing is ever simple for me, and I've been wanting to re-evaluate my storage. Hence, I totally rearranged some of my office and made a list of storage solutions that I want/need. I've been using clear plastic shoe boxes because they are cheap, but I'm wanting things to be a bit more stylish but just as functional. I hosted a 31 Gifts catalog party several months ago for the sheer purpose of getting some storage items and am thinking it's time for another one (and they have a new catalog). I'm not entirely sure they have the storage solutions I need for my office, but I can always use their stuff in other parts of the house. My ultimate goal is to have all the crafty stuff and office in the same location again. Ideally, that would be in a larger home, but that is a ways down the road. For now, I do what I can to keep paring down and better organizing my office. Who knows, after I purge my stash I might be closer to my ultimate goal than I think. We got some good work done today, and I look forward to finalizing it tomorrow. If you're wondering where the kids were during all this progress, Aiden decided to have a down day and spent almost the entire day in my bed watching tv. Normally, I'm not crazy about him watching so much tv, but I think he needed a veg day. He seemed kind of tired this morning. I can understand how he feels. And Rylee played in Aiden's room while we worked in there, and she slept or hung out with Daddy while I worked in the office. The craft space is in her room, so I work in there while she plays. Now, I think it's time for me to have some down time. ~Heather Day 55 of 365

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