Monday, September 9, 2013

Sick baby - kind of

I just noticed that I've crossed over the 2000 pageviews mark. Wow! Thanks so much for reading. Rylee was a little off this weekend, but we didn't think too much of it. She's cutting a couple more teeth, so we are blaming the running nose, congestion, looser stools, and fussiness on it. The congestion is causing her to have these coughing fits, and she had one had 2:00 this morning. It took an hour and a half to get it under control and us back to sleep. A couple of nights ago it was a similar scenario with a fever but not as long of a duration. Well, today was probably her worst, and it warranted a courtesy call from PeaceKids. They just wanted to let me know she was a little out of sorts and fussy. We discussed the issues of late and agreed the teething is the main culprit. Unfortunately, her eczema is also bothering her quite a bit. Her little legs are covered in it, and it seems to flair after meals(bananas and peaches in particular of late). Now you know why she hasn't slept in her bed. I just can't start that when she's not feeling good. Don't get me wrong, she's not intolerable. She will still smile and giggle and play, but you can tell that her heart just isn't it. She just looks so tired. The second top tooth has come through, and the bottom one is really close. I'm hoping this will give her some relief from the discomfort and the congestion. We're trying to be more diligent getting lotion on her legs. Joseph tried the natural eczema cream for a couple of days, but it didn't seem to help much. We've gone back to Eucerin which helped quickly with mild flairs in the past. Hopefully, we will get some better rest tonight, and she will be back to her old self soon. I hate when my babies don't feel good. I just want to hug them and kiss them and make them all better. We're doing the best we can and are grateful that this is the worst we are dealing with and praying for those whose struggles are much more difficult. ~Heather Day 57 of 365

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