Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Best laid plans

My day got off track from the VERY beginning. What did I do? I just kept going and did the best I could do. Let me just tell you about it. My plan: Get up at 5:30 and do Day 2 of Week 1 of Couch 2 5K. My reality: I forgot to set my alarm. Ha! That was a total Freudian slip. TeeHee! I actually woke up with Joseph's alarm at 6:00. My solution: Did I use it as an excuse to skip my "run" and sleep for an extra half hour? Nope. I quickly did the math of time needed in my head - out the door by 6:10 + back home by 6:45 = plenty of time for shower and dress for work. I hopped out of bed and got to it. Yay me! Didn't I say no excuses? My plan: Leave work at 10:30 to pick up Burger King and have lunch with Aiden and be back to work by noon. My reality: I left work a smidge late but still made it to school by 11:00. My reality: I had to run home after lunch and a little bit of watching recess to take care of something, and it took longer than expected. Let's just say I wasn't feeling well. It was 12:45 before I got back to work. My solution: I zoned in at work and got as much done as I could, and I made a plan with Joseph to go to work early tomorrow. My plan: Get some more mail-outs ready and finish my fundraiser prep. My reality: I am exhausted!! The late nights, the early mornings, and the running has done me in today. My solution: I am getting off of here and heading to bed. LOL! What's the point of this post? Life doesn't always go the way we plan. As a matter of fact, it seldom goes the way we plan. We can't get all wrapped up in what we plan, and we have to be able to roll with the punches. Otherwise, you're going to drive yourself (and everyone around you) nuts! We also need to be open to plan changes because our plans aren't what's important, but His plans are important. Do I think He changed all of my plans today? No, but what if he did? I certainly did learn some lessons. . . ~Heather

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