Sunday, September 22, 2013

Busy week

Last week was my super busy week at work, so I'm a little relieved that this week is just busy. LOL! Kim is taking a few days off to be with family, so I'll help Megan the first part of the week with getting drawings out the door. Then, it'll be back to invoices for the latter part of the week. I always have things that need to be done (filing, updates, emails, etc), so there won't be any down time there. I have lots going on at home, too. I'll be on week 2 (repeating week 1) of the couch to 5K program, and Joseph is starting it this week. I also have a brief Scentsy fundraiser challenge to deliver Tuesday night and preparations for the fundraiser kickoff on October 2. I'll be placing a Scentsy order tomorrow night and making some decisions this week about a Velata booth opportunity coming up after the first of the year. Dad is out of town, so I need to pick up a prescription for Mom tomorrow and get it to her. Then, Joseph is taking his mom for a procedure on Thursday. I still didn't finish my last 3 days of Believing God Bible study, so I can hopefully squeeze that in this week while deciding on my next study. I'd like to make a batch of laundry soap too before we run completely out. . . I think I need to spend some time with my calendar, my notebooks, and my colored pens before I go to bed tonight. I need to-do lists to get me through this week. The bed is seriously calling my name though. . . I've been sleepy since, like, 6:00 tonight. I think the bed is going to win since that 5:15 alarm is going to come way too soon. Yeah, that's my plan for tonight - bed. ~Heather

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