Monday, September 23, 2013


I had totally planned a certain post for tonight, but we are having a battle of wills with the almost 11-month old baby girl. She doesn't NOT want to go to sleep, and Mommy and Daddy are tired. I'm not sure what her deal is - the new skill (walking), another tooth, growing pain - or some combination of all of these or something else entirely. All I know is she fought her late afternoon nap yesterday, going to bed last (then was REALLY restless all night), and is fighting again tonight. I've been awake more or less since 5:15 this morning (if you don't count the 2 times I hit snooze), and I don't feel like I've accomplish a darn thing. Well, I did complete my Week 1 Day 1 of C25K (again). I wasn't terribly productive at work. Although I did get the 1 thing on my mental to-do list done, I did not get much of the other things that need to be done even started. After work was busted since Joseph had to work late, so I picked up the kids and went back for him. Plus, I had to pick up and deliver my mom's prescription. It was going on 7:00 before I even got home. Now, I need to get the rest of the week planned, place an order, prep a presentation, and/or go to bed. I opted for bed last night, so I better work on a couple of these other things. LOL! I can get a lot done in 30 minutes, so I think 10:30 will be my cut off time. Then, I can be in bed and asleep by 11:00 (if Rylee doesn't wake back up). Oh well, this is my life. There are tough decisions every day and many of them involve sleep at this time of night. LOL! A part of me LOVES the busyness of it, but sometimes I just wish I could sleep. OK, off I go to see how much I can do in 26 minutes. ~Heather

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