Sunday, September 1, 2013

Growing up too fast

OK, two of my major efforts for this weekend were to be cleaning the garage so Joseph can work on the Mustang and cleaning up Rylee's room so she can sleep in there. The garage was a disaster because we have too much crap. Yes, I said "was"! Joseph and Aiden worked on this morning and made some major progress. Yes, we still need to get rid of a bunch of stuff (I see a garage sale in our future), but we can walk through there without bumping into things. And, Joseph can work on the Mustang. While the boys were busy out in the heat, Rylee and I were in her room. Now, her room was not a disaster. We play in there almost every day. However, there was still a pile of clothes from Rhea Lana's that needed to be de-hangered, de-pinned, and washed. I also wanted to wash all the linens on her crib and bassinet. It's time to put the latter back in storage and let it wait for another generation (my dad and I also slept in it as babies). And, I need to clean off and clean up the chair in the room as it is full of the purses I want to sell. And, I need to put away the rest of my haul from CKC-Tulsa. There was also a box full of her old clothes that I've been collecting as she grows out of a size with the intent of taking them to a consignment store. This was when things got really sad. I cannot believe how fast she is growing. It seems like just a few weeks ago she was wearing those teeny little newborn onesies and just yesterday she was in those super cute 3 month outfits. Where has the time gone? Now she's this crawling, walking (sort of), talking, ball of energy. The ironic thing is that I wasn't nearly has sentimental about keeping much of her clothes. I struggled to get rid of a lot of Aiden's clothes. Maybe I know this is my last one, and I won't have any use for baby clothes. Maybe it's because we probably need the money more now that there are 2 little ones. I don't know. She's right in the middle of my favorite age, but I long for those days that we just sat and cuddled almost all day. She's such a funny little personality. There is definitely a little bit of diva in these, but she's got this sweet little smile that's going to get her out of so much trouble. She and Aiden adore each other in a way that makes my heart melt. These are precious times, and I can't get enough of them. I'm going to do my best to relish each moment and try to capture more of it on film. ~Heather Day 49 of 365

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