Monday, September 2, 2013

Hanging in there

I'm having one of THOSE days. I didn't sleep well because the kids ended up in the bed with me, and they were fidgety. I can deal with not getting a lot of sleep as long as I can get a good stretch or two but getting short naps throughout the night does not work well for me. I spent a good part of my day tired and hungry which made me cranky. Plus, my 3-day weekend to-do list is not done. Joseph did a marvelous job with the kitchen, family room, and garage. They aren't perfect, but they are way better. He wanted to do some yard work but didn't get to it because of the heat and then rain. I got Rylee's room clean with some help from him at the end, but it's still not ready for her because the mattress needs to be lowered and the bedding put back on the crib and batteries in the monitor system. We've decided it would probably be better to transition on a weekend anyway in case it doesn't go well the first couple of nights. It will be ready by Friday. My office area is not as clean as I would like it either. This is the beginning of an awesome time with Scentsy. We are now available in 3 more countries - Mexico, Australia, and Poland. The new catalog that just launched is the absolute best ever. The new warmers are seriously AH-mazing!! I want this to be a re-launch period for my business, so I want a clean slate in my office. It's not quite there. I was teetering on the edge of meltdown a couple of times today. That hormonal mean voice going on and on about what a failure I am for not getting more done. Reminding me that I'll never succeed at anything because I don't try hard enough. I squelched it better today than some days which is a pat on the back for me considering the tiredness. What I did this weekend was good enough. It was just a start, and we will do more next weekend. We really enjoyed just being home this weekend. I mentioned to Joseph last night that I don't remember the last time we were just home with nothing that had to get done. I got to spend a lot of time with Rylee this weekend. She's teething, so she wanted Momma quite a bit. She had a great time playing with brother and using her new (to her) pushcart. She'll be walking in no time. Aiden was in a pretty good mood all weekend. He helped quite a bit. He slept in our bed all weekend. He played in his room a lot on his own and with Daddy. He's such a great kid. We even spent some time with my parents today. Joseph grilled some yummy burgers. The girls talked while the boys played and worked on the Mustang. Aiden beat Nana at a few games of Candyland and Chutes and Ladders. All in all, I am a very blessed woman. I am trying my best to remember and focus on that, so those mean voices stay away. Now, I think I need a bowl of cereal before I had to bed. I can clean the office tomorrow. After all, tomorrow is another day. ~Heather Day 50 of 365

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