Tuesday, September 3, 2013


The sound of my children laughing is the absolute best sound in all the world. I had a Parent/Teacher group meeting at my daughter's day care this evening, so Joseph took the kids to my parents to help my dad take a chair lift off the back of their vehicle before going back to Rogers to pick me up after my meeting. On the way home, Rylee and Aiden were giggling in the back seat. I still don't know what was so funny, but big brother was doing something to make baby sister laugh which made him giggle. It was wonderful. Then, after we got home, Joseph took Rylee out of the car seat while I ran to the bathroom. I emerged to the sound of more laughter. Rylee, the flying baby (thanks to Daddy), was chasing Aiden around the room. They both thought it was hilarious. When, Mommy took over the role of pilot it was quite as funny for some reason, but it was still fun. That is what I want more of in my house - laughter. It's not that we are a somber household. We aren't by any means, but we are really busy and short on our time at home. That turns into a rush for dinner, get a few chores done, get kids bathed and to bed, a little cleaning (sometimes), a little writing, a little working on our business, and crashing ourselves. We need to do more playing. Joseph is better at playing. I am better at cuddling. Maybe it doesn't have to be the four of us playing. Maybe we can take turns, so that we both get some good quality time with the kids while the other does chores or works. I think this would be good for us in many ways. I think it's worth a trial. We will laugh more in this house. ~Heather Day 51 of 365

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