Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Mental Health Days

Do you ever feel like you just need a break? And I mean a real break, like from everything? I'm starting to feel that way. I've had the best of intentions to take a day off, just for me, for several months. It's just never worked out for one reason or another - mostly work obligations or unexpected required time away from the office. The day in and day out grind starts to get to me after a while. It's partially my own fault because I try to do too much. I really like having a full plate. Probably because it makes me feel important. LOL! I just have days that I want to retreat to do my own thing in solitude. I'm an only child and maybe that plays into it. Maybe I'm just silly. Maybe I need to just buck up and deal. Ha! Now, granted, if I take a day off I don't sit around and do nothing. I do laundry and clean and maybe do some Scentsy work. I also watch some TV and/or listen to music, and if I'm really lucky sit on the deck with breakfast and a cup of coffee. If I'm super lucky, I spend some time crafting, too. I'm off this Friday because Aiden is out of school, so I thought it would be a great day for a yard sale. In many ways I'm really looking forward to it. I'll get some time with him. My parents, in-laws, and best friend are joining us. We'll hopefully sell a bunch of stuff and have some extra vacation money. And, I'm hoping to make some Scentsy connections. We don't tag our things, so the prep isn't too bad. It's still nagging at me that I should be doing something though. We placed our ads today, and Joseph is making signs right now. The hardest part will be setting up Friday morning. Once we are under way, I'll actually enjoy it. Have I mentioned that I'm crazy weird? It's not the day I need, but it will have to do for now. We leave for vacation in about 6 weeks, and I have several appointments I need to make before we leave. It does not look like a day off just for me any time soon. Maybe I can at least take a breather once this yard sale and the PeaceKids fundraiser are behind me. I bet I find something else to do, though. As much as I need/want a break, I'll always have something else to do. Again, did I mention I'm crazy? ~Heather

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