Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Spending My Time Well

I have felt for quite some time that I am not as close to Rylee as I am Aiden. It hit me again today since I was home with her this afternoon. It's not that we don't share affection and play. It's just a very different relationship. And I don't like it. I love how close I am to Aiden. Obviously, she is a different person (and a lot more independent), but it's more than that. Aiden struggled with ear infections his first year, so I got to spend a LOT of time with him. Today was the first day Rylee has been home from day care "sick". Plus, you factor in the that I have a home business now that I didn't then, Joseph was down after surgery for a while back in the late winter/early spring, I have a lot more responsibility at BG now, and I have 2 kids needing my attention instead of one. My time with her is too distracted. The "smart" phone adds to that distraction. I'm not OCD about checking it, but when she ignores me I turn to it. Well, not any more! I am going to try to quit being such a multi-tasker when I'm at home. I will have time for each member of my family as well as the family group. I will have time for chores (I hope), and I will have time for business. I will also find time for me (I hope). LOL! Allison Dalke would call it being intentional. I think she's on to something there. How often are we really intentional with our time? Are you more like me - filled with distractions and multi-tasks and a brain going in a gazillion different directions? Do you fill your time doing what needs to be done and miss out on the wonderfulness that is your family? When was the last time you hung out with your spouse and had a deep conversation? When did you cuddle up with your little one and watch TV or read together? When did you play with your baby? When did you lose your self in a good book? When did you spend some time with Lord or studying His word? These are the things I miss or I squeeze in when I can. My family is too important to let these years slip by without getting to know them better and letting them know me. I don't want them just to know me as busy. It will be hard, but everything worth doing well is hard. I hope I don't have to swear off social media like Allison (although I applaud the idea). I would be willing to down grade my phone back to just a phone with texting. I don't think I have to do that, but I'm willing if it helps the family budget. I don't need all that distraction anyway. :) I'm so looking forward to building the relationships that are the most important to me - my God, my husband, my son, and my daughter. ~Heather

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