Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Back to normal

We'll, it's official.  School is back in session tomorrow.  I have VERY mixed emotions about this.

On one hand I'm ready to get back to a normal routine.  I need to clean, do laundry, get out of the house, etc.  The kids need their routines too.

On the other hand I can't tell you how much I have LOVED the last two weeks with my kids.  I'm not sure I'm ready to share them with teachers and friends yet.

I'm glad we only have to muddle through 2 days before it's the weekend.  We will be in all out Christmas mode - decorating, making candy, and shopping - for most of the weekend.  He is going to stay one night with Nana because he's missed her a lot, and it'll give us a chance to finish his shopping and wrapping.

Then, Aiden will have a full week before he's out for another 2 weeks for Christmas.  Unfortunately, I have to work those weeks, except the 2 holidays.  Joseph will be off Christmas week, so boys will get some quality time together.   I'm out of vacation time, so I'm kind of hosed there.  Rylee will probably go to day care most of that time just to keep her on a schedule, but I foresee some later drop-offs and/or earlier pick-ups if my work isn't busy. 

I'll have to cling to the joy we've had these past 2 weeks and start working on our next vacation plans.  LOL!  I wouldn't be surprised if we had a few more snow days in our future too, since winter hasn't technically started yet.  Plus, this part of the country doesn't typically have wintery precip until January and February.  The kids may be in school well in to June, if this keeps up. 

Well, I have things to do to get ready for back to school and work.  Wish me luck!


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