Thursday, December 12, 2013

I love being married to my best friend

I am the luckiest girl in the world to be married to Joseph Pratt. I can honestly say that I love him more and more every day even though I can't imagine how it's possible to love him more. I've known him for almost 15 years now, and he is truly my best friend. (Heather D. is my bestie in a different sort of way.) We sometimes wonder why our union is blessed to be so easy. Why can't every married couple (and every person for that matter) have what we have? Seriously, we seldom argue or disagree. We share a lot of the same interest, but not so much that we bore each other to tears. This isn't to say that we don't do things that drive the other one crazy. I think we just opt to not pick on the other person because we really don't want to hurt feelings, and those little things are so unimportant in the grand scheme of life. When I get mad at him for something, I make myself think about whether or not it's worth telling him. Am I really mad at him or myself? What will going off on him accomplish? Is it necessary to say something I know will hurt him? The answer is almost always that I am in a moment of stress or crisis and want to blame somebody else, and no I don't think it's worth hurting him. I love him too much to want to cause him pain of any kind. We are also fortunate to have parents that are still married after 40+ years. They have set the example of staying power, especially since they knew their respective spouse for years before they ever dated and wed. Joseph and I were engaged after 4 months but waited another year to get married. That doesn't really compare to knowing each other for 20-ish years, though. LOL! I think Joseph nailed it when he said most people are too selfish. They want what they want regardless of the other person's feelings. It seems our society breeds selfishness in our fast-paced, instant gratification world. Maybe we all need a lesson in slowing down and paying attention to the loved ones in our lives. We need to appreciate all that we do for one another and express that gratitude to those people. Attention and affection is so important. Joseph and I say please and thank you to one another. We say "I love you" often (like, several times a day). We still flirt and tease. We share our lives with each other too. We don't just lead separate lives under one roof. We discuss our work day. We discuss Scentsy business decisions. We share parenting and household duties. I just love that man, and I would do anything for him. It is my sincere prayer that everyone can experience this kind of love and devotion with another living person. When it is shared mutually, it is one of God's greatest gifts to us on this Earth. I can't imagine my journey without him. ~Heather P.S. For those of you are curious, the kids and I survived our first day back in the real world pretty well. Rylee was ready to go home at the end of the day but didn't cry at drop-off, and Aiden was a little cranky this evening. All in all, I'm not sure it could have gone much more smoothly. :)

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