Thursday, March 27, 2014

Go to medicine

Does anybody else out there have a go-to medicine?  You know, that one you take regardless of what ails you.

Mine is ibuprofen.  I swear it fixes almost anything that is wrong with me, and if it doesn't work I'm in real trouble.  I'm not even a brand snob about it.  Advil, Motrin, Equate, other generics - as long as it has ibuprofen listed as an active ingredient I'm good.

My friend prefers Excedrin.  She takes it for most of her pain issues.  I am not a fan of acetaminophen because it tends to upset my stomach and doesn't do anything for a headache.  I'm so blessed I didn't have any major headaches while I was pregnant with either child.

Salt water was the go-to for everything according to my childhood doctor.  I remember having it dropped in my nose many times.  I think it may be what finally got my ear to unstop earlier this week when I gargles with it.

I do love orange juice and vitamins when I'm feeling puny.  I can usually ward off most anything with OJ and vitamins if I start as soon as I start feeling yucky.  But my happy pill is ibuprofen. 

Apparently, I'm not the only one.  Our medicine cabinet on our floor at work was out of it and antacid.  But then again, maybe that's an indicator of something at work.  LOL!!!!


P.S.  I hear rain and thunder and maybe a little hail.  I think I shall go to bed early and enjoy it since I didn't sleep much last night.  😊

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