Friday, March 28, 2014

What is age?

I shocked the heck out of a couple of day care teachers this morning which was very flattering for me.  We were talking about babies as Ms. Carolyn has a new grandson, and Ms. Norma asked if we were going to have another little one for them to take care of.  I said no, we're good, and I'm too old.  They poo-pooed that, and I told them how old I would be this year.   WHAT?  They were both quite shocked and surprised and started talking about how old they thought I was, and eventually asked what my secret was.  Lol!

As you can imagine, this made me feel pretty good.  I'll confes, I don't feel 37 and don't think I act 37.  It boggles my mind that 2 years from now I will be staring 40 in the face.  Crazy!!

This is from a couple of weeks ago.

So what is age really?  Is it your number of years on earth?  Is it how you look or how you feel?  Is it determined by brain or body health?  Does it even matter?

I really don't think it matters.  We don't know how many breathes we are allotted on this earth, so we should enjoy each one.  Just be true to yourself along the way and don't let the digits define you.


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