Tuesday, March 18, 2014

My day job

Twelve years ago I started work at Benchmark Group.  It was an answer to a prayer after being jobless for about a month and brought me closer to where Joseph worked too.

I've never pretended it's my dream job and never thought I would be there this long.  However, BG has given me many good things over the years beyond a pay check and benefits.  

I met the woman who would become my best friend there a week after I started.  I still believe somewhere in our distant ancestral past we share a relative.

I met the young lady who would introduce me to Scentsy when she started as a teenager.  Now, she is one of my closest friends.

I met a woman who inspired with her 20 years of Navy service and taught me how to do my job.  I miss hearing her laugh daily.

I met a woman who changed my role there in a direction I never imagined because she had faith in me and went to bat for me.  I would give up that role to have her back.

So many men and women have come and gone.  We have laughed and complained, worked late and worked early.  Some days took blood, sweat, and tears to get the job but get it done we did.

Any resemblance today to the place I started then is slight.  The building has changed, and the leadership is different.  Mostly, I miss the people that are gone - of their own accord or somebody else's.

Today, there are a special two that make each day worth going to work.  We support each other.  We vent to each other.  I hope the day that one of us leaves, we all leave because I couldn't stand to be there without you guys.

I'm thankful for the good times and good friends.  As long as I'm there, I pray they continue.

My favorite cubicle - the only one with a window


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