Thursday, May 29, 2014

Am I strong enough to say yes?

I've been doing this Bible study, When Women Say Yes to God, off and on for a while now.  I can't seem to find the dedication to it that I want, and I wanted to know why.

The answer is FEAR.  I'm afraid to completely let go to God (or anybody else).  I'm a bit of a control freak.  What if His plan is not my plan?  I know His plan is supposed to be better than my wildest dreams.  What if I don't like it?  If I say yes to Him, am I saying no to me?  I hear no from enough people and don't want to hear it from myself.

The other answer is that I'm still not sure HOW.  Of course, I know how to say yes.  How do I know the question?  How do I hear Him in the hub bub of life?  How do I really know it's Him?  I know I need to find more quiet time, but I need more.  I need that time to be intentional and God-focused.  How does that happen with my already crowded calendar and my tired body?

Alas, there are no easy answers.  I just have to study and pray more and know that He has my best interest at heart just as any Father would for his children.  I REALLY want that close relationship with Him, and that means listening to and sting yes to Him, so I can best serve Him in this life.


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