Tuesday, May 20, 2014

I could get used to this...

So, Rylee threw up about 5 minutes before we were to leave the house this morning.  Instant change of plans (and clothes).  I am not the parent who hopes it's not a big deal and takes my kid to school and exposes the other kids.

Joseph stayed long enough to clean up the mess and bring the diaper bag, my breakfast, and my lunch back in the house while I changed my and Rylee's clothes.

She was not happy to not be going.  I got all of my emails and texts sent to let people know we wouldn't be at day care and work.  Then settled down for some coffee and breakfast.  Rylee ate some sausage (her morning staple) and little cinnamon roll.  She also insisted on going outside when I let the dog out.

It was at this point I was convinced she wasn't sick.  LOL!  She did have 1 messy diaper, so something distressed her tummy.  I don't know if it was the milk at 5:00 this morning or a delayed reaction to her shots last week.  I'm just glad it wasn't serious and/or repetitive.

She also took a good long nap this afternoon on her favorite mattress (mommy).

I might have dozed a little myself.  I did manage to conquer Mount Washmore today which is a huge relief.  I could have done a lot more if I'd put her down for her nap, but I just didn't want to.  It was rather nice to just sit and do nothing.

I'm already dreading going back to work. I know I have a ton to do and have to get caught up tomorrow since I'll be out Thursday for field trip.  I canNOT wait until I'm a work at home mommy!  Then days like today won't be such a disruption to my work or cause issues for other people.  <sigh>

I'm seriously thinking about going to bed.  I was up much too late last night, and I am sooooo sleepy.  Scentsy work will just have to wait another day because if start I'll be up until midnight or later again.  ;). It's just too fun!  


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