Monday, May 19, 2014

I swear Mondays are going to be the death of me

It was another manic Monday in my world. Billing HAD to be done, everybody needed something, co-worker returning from vacay and feeling overwhelmed, another co-worker feeling bad, etc, etc. And that was just at work. LOL! 

You know what finally rejuvenated me? Rylee. Right after we got home from Walmart (had to get groceries because we came home so late yesterday), she made a stinky little present in her diaper. After I changed her, we just stayed in her room while Joseph made dinner and Aiden did homework. We didn't do much, just hung out. She sat in my lap quite a bit. We swayed and sang to music from my phone. We hugged and kissed. She is such a sweetie and quite in tune with my moods. This is probably not going to be such a good thing in about 13 years, but it was just what momma needed today. 

 After a yummy dinner, I had a live online chat with some Scentsy pals which further improved my mood. Joseph played the role of the awesome daddy (which he so totally is) and got the kids to bed and let me do some much-needed work. I completely lose track of time when I'm working Scentsy and just realized it's after 11:00. LOL! 

 Now that I'm feeling better, I'm going to take a quick shower and head to bed. I saw some treadmill movement earlier this evening. I think that means I'm about to be pushed out of bed in the mornings to get in better shape. I need it!!! 


 P.S. Have I mentioned lately that I have the most amazing husband EVER?

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