Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Dinner with kids

Does anybody else with kids have drama at almost every meal?  I swear, Aiden is driving me crazy (yes, it's a short trip).

He is such a picky eater.  He eats incredibly slow and is easily distracted.  He uses his hands (seriously, Rylee is better at using her spoon).  I don't get it.

We don't have a dining table, but we all eat together.  We've tried it with and without the TV on, but it didn't change anything.  We've tried planning fun things for after the meal to no avail.  He even get "rewarded" with dessert if he eats enough.

I don't know what else to do.  I hate spending my meal chastising him and reminding him to eat or worse, listening to him complain the whole time.

We are sensitive that he won't like everything we do, so we plan kid-friendly food for meals that we know he won't like but encourage him to try what we are having too.  He almost always makes a face like it's the worst thing ever.

I'm leaning toward a no TV, no reminders, no hurry-ups approach.  He'll still have to eat most of his dinner to get dessert, but he can do it on his own terms.

I'm open to better ideas!!


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