Wednesday, July 2, 2014

One of the best days ever

Rylee woke up at 3:00 this morning with a fever.  This meant she couldn't go to day care today, so I stayed home with both kids.  I thought I might take them to my parents in the afternoon, but my mom had a migraine.

I never want my kids to be sick in any way, but I had the best day.  I spent the early part of the day in the Lord's word with my Bible study and an online chat.  

After we all finished breakfast, we went outside to play while it was still nice.  I decided to clean up a little tykes slide that I borrowed from my best friend years ago.  

Joseph had to come home to pick up something, so he brought us lunch.  After lunch, I tried to get Rylee to take a nap, but it was a losing battle.  I think we dozed for about 30 minutes.

I let the kids play while I worked on some laundry, clean up, and changing the wax until Joseph got home.  He came home and made a delicious dinner.

Then we went outside to play until bath and bed time.

I could seriously get used to days like this.  Unfortunately, I have to make up some work and will be going in way early in an attempt to avoid working this weekend.  I need to get to bed, but I need to shower first.  I'm thinking a stop for coffee will be my reward for getting up at 5:30.  LOL!


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