Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Parenting education

I wish parenting was a required class to graduate high school, and they taught it every year to make sure to catch any future drop outs.  Parenting is hard.  It's the single most reward thing I have ever done, but it's hard.  

It's breaking my heart to hear about what parents are doing to their children to escape the realities of it.  It started with the story of the little boy locked in a hot car.  Dad took him to breakfast and "forgot" to drop him off at day care.  Upon deeper investigation, it appears the dad went to his car at lunch and still didn't notice his son in the back seat....or did he?  It seems the horrible death of this innocent child may have been planned.

Then, I read another story about two precious girls who died after a dresser fell on top of them.  The dad was too busy in the bathroom to check on the kids after the commotion and didn't get to them for 10 or 15 minutes.  The heavy dresser suffocated the girls because they were too small to lift the heavy furniture.
I can almost hear the cries of these 3 babies in my head if I allow myself to go there.  I can't begin to imagine their anguish, and their wonder as to why daddy wasn't rescuing them.  I just want to scoop them up, hug them, kiss them, and let them know they did nothing wrong.

My babies are my world.  They bring me so much joy and laughter.  Their hugs and kisses are the best gifts I've ever gotten.  

They can also be frustrating and aggravating.  I can't deny that on occasion I need a break from them, but that's OK.  I take those times when I need them.  I could never harm my children.

In true openness - I almost shook Rylee when she was a baby.  She was colicky, and I was so tired.  I called Joseph sobbing because I scared myself.  He reminded me that "almost" was the key.  I had stopped myself and sought help immediately.  

I know it's hard, but there is no excuse for killing an innocent baby because you can't handle it.  Find help or give them up, so somebody else can love them the way they deserve to be loved.


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