Thursday, July 31, 2014

WAHM wannabe

I stayed home with the kids yesterday because Rylee ran a fever at day care Tuesday afternoon, and Aiden decided to stay home with us.  I had work to do, but my kiddos come first.  I actually volunteered to go in after lunch, but the bill review wasn't done.  Darn!  (said with great sarcasm)

It wasn't the best day, but it was mostly my fault.  I tried to participate or listen to a couple of things online - a bible study and a Velata call.  Aiden wasn't a very good baby sitter (too distracted by TV and iPad to play with his sister), so I got frustrated.  After lunch and a nap, it was a lot better.

It certainly made me wonder if I could do it everyday.  The quick answer was, of course I could.  If I did it everyday, I could plan better and wouldn't feel like I HAD to get things done that day.  Plans wouldn't always work out, but I would know I could try again the next day.

I firmly believe that my worst day at home with my sweet babies would be better than my best days at work.

I love these two with my deepest heart.  I love being their mommy!!!


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