Monday, July 21, 2014

Why do I love Scentsy?

So, I've been mentally working on this post for more than a week.  I didn't want it to just be about Scentsy Family Reunion.  I wanted to give you more, give you a taste of what it's really like on the inside because it's soooo AWEsome!!  

And did you see the pic last night of the stuff I got?  We are spoiled!!

I had somebody ask me on Saturday, "Why do you love Scentsy so much?"  The short answer was easy - everything!  But it deserves a deeper answer because this company means so much to me (I'm considering a Scentsy star as a tattoo for goodness sake!). 

Then, it came to me.  It's right there in the name of our annual convention - Scentsy FAMILY Reunion.  The inventors of Scentsy, Kara and Collette, are sisters-in-law.  The president and CEO are husband and wife.  The CFO is the CEO's big brother.  Many of the Super Star Directors are husband and wife teams, including the ones in my upline group that inspire me so much.  Although the Shooting Star was given to two of my favorite women (who are sisters-in-law), their husbands are their partners in business and life, and other family members are also consultants. 

My family helps run my business.  I love sharing these events with my husband, and the kids love unpacking boxes!!

We are a family.  Those 2 days in St. Louis weren't about higher sales and more recruiting.  It was about how we can bless others with this Scentsy spirit that we are so excited about. But most importantly, it was about how we can be the best we can be.

The speakers told us their stories, so we could say to ourselves that if they can do it I can do it.  We can rise above any circumstances because we support each other along the way by sharing ideas and encouraging one another.

The special warmer given to consultants (and their guest) that registered with the first 72 hours that registration was open, is called Rocks to Warmers.

It's a representation of how our Warmers are made, but it means so much more.  We are the rocks, and Scentsy is turning us into a beautiful, sculpted piece of art.  I have learned so much about myself working this business, and I have grown an incredible amount.  It has made me a better person all around - Christian, mom, wife, friend, etc.  I would not be the same if it weren't a for this blessing of a company and the people I've met being a part of it.

This is the insert that came with Rocks to Warmers:
I know it's small, but it's absolutely worth the read.  If you want to work with amazing people, Heidi and Orville are it.  They could have sold out.  They could have lied or shirked bad decisions.  They chose to stick with it and improve it.  Why? It's in the catalog.
This is the mission statement of Scentsy. Isn't it fabulous?!

When you're ready to go on a journey that will change not only your life, but change you along the way, call me.  The only regret you will have is waiting so long to start.


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