Thursday, August 7, 2014

I'm still here

For those of you who loyally read my posts, I apologize.  I haven't been writing because I really haven't had anything to say.  I spent a whole year boring you with random details of my life and was planning to only write when I had something worthwhile to say.  I just haven't been inspired to write lately.

What have I been doing?  Just living life.

I've changed jobs at work again, and I'm not particularly thrilled with it.  Rylee has hit the "terrible twos" a couple of months early.  Aiden needs to be back in school to get away from electronics - like yesterday.  Joseph is super busy.

I'm loving my Bible study and am actually quite sad that I'll be done with this one soon.  Oddly enough, I'm contemplating writing a short study or two myself.  I'm also in search of a good church, and I don't want some megabucks building with a show on the inside.  I want a church that studies the Bible and teaches me how best to follow the Word.

I'm also very much loving my business right now.  Megan has decided to stay with Scentsy which makes me soooo happy.  We are planning our futures and and supporting each other just like it was meant to be.  Tops on the list right now is figuring out how we're going to earn the incentive trip - a Carribbean cruise out of Puerto Rico or the MGM Grand in Las Vegas.  We've even started a travel club to help our team mates earn the trip with us.  It's so awesome!!!

I've also been planning my annual girls weekend with my best friend.  We head to Tulsa a week from today.  Actually, we will be there by now - staying up late, talking, eating, crafting.  Last year couldn't happen, so we have a lot to make up for this year.  I'm so ready!!

As I'm laying out my plans I'm trying to figure out where the blog fits.  I'm leaning toward a regular writing through another commitment, but I don't want it to be daily.  I'm not sure weekly is enough though.  Maybe 2-3 times per week and on the same days every week.  What do you think?

Anyway, I thought I would give you a little update.  I hope you are all doing well.  

Here's a pic of my babies!  They've been challenging lately, but I love them more than anything on this earth.

You just see the ornery in both of them.  LOL!!


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