Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Natural healing

If any of you know me very well, you know I'm not very big on doctors and medicines.  Ibuprofen is my go-to for just about everything that ails me, but it's sometimes hard to get me to take that.

Last night I started having some symptoms of a urinary tract infection.  I will spare you the details, but it seemed fairly minor (discomfort, no fever).  Of course, I'm heading out of town tomorrow, so I knew I didn't want to ignore it for long.  

What to do?  I decided to self-medicate with lots of water and cranberry juice for a day, and if things didn't improve I'd go to the doctor.  Ugh!!  I really don't want antibiotics.

I checked online and saw that yogurt was also recommended, so I added that to the grocery list.

Then, I remembered essential oils.  I've had a few friends using and recommending these for a while now,  I've just been too cheap to get any for myself.  Megan gave me some samples earlier in the week to try, particularly the lavender oil for Rylee'seczema.  I see online that lemon oil is on the list for my problem, so I start a conversation with Megan about it and add some to my water.

She also recommended some thieves oil on my feet at bedtime which is happening very soon.

I am happy to report that after a cup of coffee, 2 glasses of lemon water, 2 small bottles and 1 glass of cranberry juice, 2 yogurt cups, and MANY visits to the bathroom - I am feeling much better.  Almost normal actually.  I'm hoping the thieves oil for a few nights and another round of lemon water, cranberry juice, and yogurt tomorrow will keep the antibiotics away.

I would never go so far as to recommend not going to a doctor.  I think it's totally a personal preference kind of thing.  I'm of a mind that medicine does as much harm as good, and if I can find a more natural approach I'm going with it.  

I think I'll be purchasing some of these oils soon.  In the course of 24 hours I've hit up 3 of the 5 samples I have since Rylee got some lavender oil with her lotion tonight.

Anybody else tired of medicines?  What natural remedies do you use?

Good night!


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