Tuesday, August 19, 2014

There's always something

Just when things are going well, we have a hitch to work around.  The story of our lives I tell ya!

So last week in the midst of preparing to be out of town for a few days, I developed a urinaty tract infection.  I wasn't feverish and chose to treat it naturally with water, cranberry juice, and essential oils.  Well that came to a screeching halt when I couldn't even get 30 miles down the road without being in agony.  Fortunately, there is a wonderful over-the-counter medicine that helps tremendously.  It was a VERY long drive to Tulsa none the less.

The weekend had it's ups and downs thanks to my condition, but it was mostly ups.  Heather is no doubt my best friend and treated the situation as such - with understanding and sympathy.

She is awesome!!!

While I was gone, Joseph thought he had the same problem and began to treat it similarly.  By Sunday I was well on the way to full recovery (even with late nights, caffeine, and wine).  Joseph was not, so he went to the walk-in clinic on Monday.  Lo and behold, he has a very bad infection that may be from kidney stones.  Nothing like what I had.  My poor hubby!!!  He's on the men's now with some good antibiotics, and I'm taking care of the household as best I can.

We've managed to start 2nd grade for Aiden 
And began potty training discussions with Rylee.

I've made dinner the last 2 nights and started my Ascent Academy pre-director drive.
Because even as I've been busy with other things and taken time off for illness and fun, my team has grown by 3.  Gotta love a business that keeps working even when you aren't.  LOL!!

I take pride in juggling this busy life (I kind of like it).  It means more time with my planner to make sure everyone and everything gets taken care of, including me.

I still need to get more time in God's word.  And I need to get more done at the house and few things for business.  But the important thing for me now is getting my honey well and keeping my kids clean and feed with the hope of getting a few household and business things done in between as well as getting some sleep.  So far so good!

Then I'll find a good routine,
now that we're back in school, for getting it all done.  Yeah, right!!!  LOL!

Now, I have an hour to shower and send some emails before I hit the sheets.  Good night all!!


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