Sunday, August 24, 2014


Sometimes I feel like I spend more time organizing stuff than cleaning anything.  I'm beginning to believe the FLYlady - you can't organize clutter.  LOL!  We definitely have too much of that.

I decided Saturday that it was re-organize the office day.  My team has grown a lot this month, and I'm on a pre-director training program.  I need a good place to work.  Joseph agreed to entertain the kids, so I could do my thing.

This was my before picture:

It just becomes a dumping ground because it's in the kitchen.  That is one thing I'll have to watch for going forward. Joseph had a really bad headache most of the day, so it took a little longer than if hoped, but I'm happy with my results.

I still need to do my inspiration board full of pictures and quotes, and it's going to hang on the side of the shelf unit.  I really like that I have some desk space for folding recruiting flyers, processing small orders, laying out my planner, etc.  if I needed even more space I could put the laptop elsewhere.

The real beauty of this clean-up was that it cleared a lot of space on the kitchen counter.  My office had spread and is now contained.  Yay!!  

Next up is Rylee's room.  Joseph converted her crib to a toddler bed yesterday, so I'm going to work on purging the baby toys (many to our great-nephew that is due any day) and organizing what's left into crates that we purchased a couple of weeks ago.  

Stay tuned!


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