Friday, August 22, 2014

Survived - Barely

We made it through the first week of school!!!  It was questionable there for a while, but we did it.

Joseph ended up not having kidney stones.  It's a UTI causes by e. Coli.  I did not know e. Coli could present that way.  Probably a fair guess that my UTI has the same root, but for some reason it didn't get as bad for me.

I had a stressful couple of days at work.  I'm not sure I'm cut out for this production thing anymore.  It's just ridiculous!  Joseph is still crazy busy too.

Last night Aiden came down with a terrible allergy attack.  His poor little nose would not stop running which lead to an interrupted night's sleep for both of us, me sleeping in his bed, and an early morning trip to walmart for non-drowsy meds.  Momma's gotta do what momma's gotta do!

Oh, and have I mentioned Rylee is almost 2?  Yeah!!

It's finally the weekend, and we can all chillax for a couple of days.  


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