Sunday, September 14, 2014

Gonna play catch up - Busy

So I've had a lot to write about the last couple of weeks, I've just been busy and preoccupied.  Which means I'm going to try to get caught up with it all, and I'm going to start with the busy because I think I promised you that the last time.

The last month and a half have been busy in the best possible ways for the most part.  I was blessed with 4 new Scentsy team members in August - 3 of which I personally sponsored.  I am loving  watching and helping these ladies launch a business that can change their lives.  It's one of the best parts of my job!!  

I also closed a cross over catalog party where my fabulous host had orders from spring/summer and fall/winter catalogs.  We got the fall order done on September 1 because I knew the warmer of the month would be uber popular.

And I was right.  We almosted doubled out previous September 1 selling record, and it was in large part due to this warmer.  It's super cute and has a great message.  I love mine!!!

Then, I had a Velata tasting party the first Sunday of the month.  Everybody loved the dip and cheese ball that I made for the party, and we all had fun making s'mores with the raclette.  I really do adore this brand and am proud to be one of only 53 consultants in Arkansas!!

With all of this going on, I've also returned to the board of directors at my daughter's day care.  I served when Aiden was there and am passionate about this facility.  Unfortunately, our enrollments are down, so we've had some special meetings to discuss the best ways to share the good news that is this child care facility.  Things are already looking up!!

Aiden has also decide to join cub scouts which meets every Tuesday night.  This week will be the first full meeting I've attended since registration night.  He seems to enjoy it so far, and I appreciate the family atmosphere.

Oh, and of course, football season has started!  Go Hogs, Sooners, and Broncos!!!  We love watching lots of football this time of year.  Of course, when the weather is as gorgeous as today being outside takes precedent.

But we still enjoyed some football!  LOL!

I think that covers most of the busy.  I'm truly loving it and hope it doesn't stop (at least the business part).  I could get used to this being my full time gig.


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