Friday, October 24, 2014

Slower year - at least it seemed like it

Two years ago this night I was in awe of my beautiful baby girl.  Still amazed that I had 2 easy pregnancies, 2 relatively easy c-sections, and best of all 2 breathtaking children.

Rylee's first year went by in a flash.  Maybe it was the colic, maybe my age, maybe having two, maybe because one was in kindergarten.  Who knows?  I just know that this blog last year was about how fast it seemed to be gone.

Thankfully this year seemed much slower.  Rylee is such a little personality and very precocious.  She's smart and silly and absolutely adores her big brother.  We have to reign him in sometimes because she wants to do EVERYthing he does.

There is no doubt she is my mini me, and I'm sure that means we will tangle on many more occasions.  I simply adore her even when she frustrates me with her stubbornness.  Her smile, her giggle, her hug, and her kiss - priceless.


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