Sunday, October 26, 2014

What a weekend!!

This was the busiest weekend we've had in a while, but it was all good.

Friday was Rylee's birthday, so we just hung out at home all morning playing before we visited Nana and Popaw and picked up Aiden in the afternoon.  After a quick dinner the kids donned their costumes and we headed to the Lowell Elementary Monster Bash.

Carnival games, a petting zoo, pony rides, and a dance.  Oh my!!

Saturday morning we headed out to get some pumpkins but skipped the whole patch thing thanks to the finer had at school.

Stayed tuned to see our creations.

After a nap and some chili-making we headed to a Cub Scout Halloween party.
Sadly my camera on the phone decided not to work, so I don't have any pictures. Of course Aiden was so busy playing, I didn't have much chance for a good shot.  Rylee's favorite part was the cat.  We opted for a visit with Nana and Popaw before heading home to crash.

As if we hadn't partied enough, we had a small get together at Ward Nail Park to celebrate Rylee's birthday.  Oh man, was it windy!!!  Nevertheless, we had a great time - good company, presents, a walk, and play time. 

We went for groceries before heading home for more playtime, dinner, baths, and bed.

This momma is tired and grateful.  I'm blessed with an amazing family, and I love spending south time with them.  I'm also VERY thankful to be a wahm that can stay home tomorrow and relax.  Well, as much as anyone can relax while there's a 2 year old in the house.  LOL!


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