Monday, October 20, 2014


So, after reading a friend's real (as always) and hilarious blog this morning, it got me thinking about my post last night. I felt a little guilty for not telling the whole story.  I don't think I sugar-coates anything.  Trying to find my way as a work-at-home-mom is hard.  I just left out part of it.. .

The devil has been trying to rear his ugly head around here since the layoff.  The pieces were falling into place a little too well for him apparently.  

Last week I struggled with allergies making me feel blah, and an old hip flexor injury making me feel old.  Both of which made it difficult to keep up with and track of a precocious almost 2 year old.  That voice, you know the one, kept trying to get ahold of me and tell me I can't do this.  My faith in God fought me through it.  

I know He has brought me to this place with a grand purpose in mind.  I know He has answered my prayers because somebody needs me home for His greater plan.  It was so nice to rest in that place than let the "other" voice beat me down.  I give glory to Him for giving me that strength.  He is an awesome God, and I am excited to see what he has in store for me and my family.

Nobody said the road would be easy, but it will be worth it.  I'm learning a little more every day, but I don't think I'll ever have it completely figured out.  Where's the challenge in that?  LOL!  I'll do the best I can, and it will be enough.


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