Saturday, November 29, 2014


My little boy is growing up, and I'm at a loss.  Let me explain.

For several months he hasn't wanted any mommy kisses, so we kinda made a game out of it.  I'd try, he'd fight.  If I won, he'd rub it off.  Giggling all the while I might add.

Let me be clear - this was always at home.  I would never intentionally harass him in front of school friends.  Our kisses were almost always on the cheek or forehead, seldom on the lips.  Not that I think that is wrong (Rylee kisses my lips), but it's never been us.

Then last week he bit me during one of our kiss-fights.  In the aftermath he told me, he doesn't want me to kiss him.  I was so hurt.  I didn't realize he really might AT ALL.  We ended up compromising (after a lengthy discussion about expressions of love and being fortunate to have them) on one kiss on the cheek at bedtime.  Sometimes I cash in sometimes I don't.

Then today he has been incredibly clingy about my attention.  He has seriously worn me out wrestling and tickling and playing.  I probably have bruises too, but that's sometimes part of playing with a rowdy boy.  He complained if Rylee got involved.

This is also a child that insists on sleeping  in my bed with me EVERY weekend he's home.

I don't get it.  How can he want my attention so much and not let me return with a little affection?  Is it really so bad to have a mom that loves you the whole universe and can't resist kissing your handsome little face?

I get that he's a little jealous of Rylee.  I get that he needs some time with me.  

I wish he could get that a little piece of my heart is breaking to see him growing up and rejecting me.  I knew it would happen.  I just didn't know it would be so hard.


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