Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Why I care so much

I could lie and say the end of the year has brought about introspection and reflection, but in all honesty I think like this often. Maybe the end of the year intensifies it....a little. 

 I have had the best year ever for my Scentsy business - good sales, more parties, new events, and fabulous new team members. Sadly, not all of my team will be continuing their business. I can't describe how this hurts my heart and frustrates my brain. I'm told it's just part of this business. People come and go. Not everyone can have the same commitment as you. It's not a business that everyone can embrace. I know it's all true, but it doesn't change the way I feel. I feel like I've failed each and every person that leaves my team. 

On some level I have, for sure. I'm not leading as well as I should because I lead the way I follow. I like to be left alone for the most part. I'll ask for help when I have a question. I guess I'm sort of a loner, but I love the enthusiasm of a team. I rely on my team to tell me what they need and assume they are OK or not invested when I don't hear from them. I've left them alone, and I'm starting to think that was the wrong way to go.

 I'm sort of on vacation for the holidays, but I wanted to make plans for next year and make a reading list to help me be better (in life and business). I grabbed my nook to see what I had downloaded to there and realized I hadn't finished the last 30 or so pages of Simon Sinek's Start With Why. Those pages were just what I needed. 

 This book was the central figure in a retreat I attended back in the spring. At that retreat I decided I want to build a cathedral and not just be a bricklayer - I want to build a legacy. 

 I spent the drive home and a few days thereafter thinking about my why. Why do I want this business? What exactly do I want my legacy to be? Why do I admire the people I admire? What is the purpose God has me here to accomplish? 

 My ultimate answer is that I want to help others. I want to bless people with this business either through the family-driven products or the opportunity to build their own businesses. I also want to use my business to bless others financially either from my direct donations or via fundraisers. This is what I have to get back to - my why. 

 Why is why so important? It's your reason for doing what you do, especially when times are tough. It's your measuring stick for decisions. This is where I will focus my everyday. 

 With that being said, I may need to tweak my why a bit. One of my goals was to be a work at home mom. Although it wasn't my why (mostly because I didn't think it was possible), my new situation presents a lot of change. I need to determine if it has also changed my why. I think the root of my why will always be helping others - it's all I've ever wanted to do. However, my life has changed. I have new goals. I need to test my goals against my why and decide if I need to revise anything. 

 As a side note for those that have made it this far, I can't help but know that Scentsy is on the right path. They have a set of values that they test all their decisions against - Simplicity, Authenticity, and Generosity. They also have a mission statement (a why) that sets the standard for them. This is why they have survived and thrived for 10 years. It's how they can admit when they were wrong and move forward. I'm so blessed to be part of something so special, and I hope I can contribute more than I take from this amazing company. 


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